Friday, December 25, 2009

King Phil's Menorah

This is quite possibly the easiest 250 QP possible... It starts with Grey Slate, in Carrotton's rock shop. NOTE: You will need 20 iron ore, and 20 copper ore for this quest. You probably want to find or buy these first, THEN start the quest!

  1. Grey Slate is planning to build a Menorah for his brother: King Phil. Hey says you should talk to Inigo Webster, on Jungle Isle, about it.
  2. Go talk to Inigo. He lives on the largest isle that is connected to Jungle, the only one on the western side. If you go onto that mini-isle from the northernmost little landbridge, you will see a treehouse while heading south. THAT is where he lives!
  3. Inigo will make the menorah, but he will need 20 iron and 20 copper ore. Once you have it, go back to Inigo.
  4. Inigo will say that he needs a glass piece from Nicolette, in Chillton (Snow Isle). She will need some tin oxide from Arthur Temperton, Appleton's blacksmith.
  5. Head down to Arthur, and he will give you the oxide for $100. Once you have it, go back to Nicolette. Talk to her again, and she will give you the glass.
  6. Now go back to Inigo, and he'll start to work on it. You may have to talk to him again to get the menorah. Once you do, go and give it to Grey Slate!
  7. Uh-oh, he wants you to take it to King Phil now! He sends you to Hotzeplotz Isle. Head down to the "mansion" where King Phil is and say that you come bearing gifts. He will give you your reward
Rewards: 1 Persian Kitten, 250 Quest Points

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